When you need help at a train station in Japan, station staff will literally pop out and help you. from r/Damnthatsinteresting 【海外の反応】 ■こんなん凄すぎるだろ! ■福岡で私もこれと同...
Occurring every six years, the Onbashira Festival in Japan where men haul logs up steep hills using ropes, then ride down to the shrine while trying to hold on....
Drainage Canals in Japan are so clean they even have Koi Fish in it from r/Damnthatsinteresting 【海外の反応】 ■クールだけど、鯉って基本的にどこでも生きていけるんじゃね ■これ本当なの?こんの事ありえるのかね? ■鯉...
Ordered this from Japan for my B-day and they sent it to me with a handwritten note and candy. So awesome! from r/gaming 【海外の反応】 投稿主:自分の誕生日に日本からゲームを取り寄せたら、手書き...