Bodyguard successfully protects Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida against an unexpected smoke bomb attack during his speech by u/Papppi-56 in interestingasf...
The Shima Enaga, a Japanese bird who looks like a ball of cotton. from r/interestingasfuck 【海外の反応】 ■日本では鳥でさえ日本人に似てしまうのか。少しアニメっぽいよね ↑日本に存在するほぼ全ての動物は現実世界に存在するポケ...
Brothers. I was in the Silver FJ on I35 yesterday in Fort Worth that got launched into the Northbound lanes. That Toyota saved my life. from r/FJCruiser 【海外の反応】...
The incredible precision engineering of monorails in Osaka, Japan from r/interestingasfuck 【海外の反応】 ■これはとても不安になるよ ■日本の鉄道システムは見事としか言いようがない。なぜ他の国は日本のシステムを採用しないのだ...